You need to take the time out for you to establish your focus for the year ahead.
What are you taking with you into the new year, and what will you leave behind? Which parts of yourself with you continue to grow on, and which parts are keeping you back, keeping you living small?
YOU must take priority this coming year. You have to.
You cannot afford not to.
Schedule half an hour of silence into your day. Switch up your breakfast. Take your morning tea out into the sunshine. Start your morning an hour earlier to set the tone of WANTING to be alive, WANTING to get things done, WANTING to make your day good.
make it a good year. For you.
Write out some pages of your thoughts, then make a list of words and experiences and achievements you want to incorporate into your year.
- recycling more
- walking more with the dogs
- eating more plant-based meals
- planting a veggie garden
- getting your grey water onto your garden
- meeting more professional goals
- growing your brand from your heart
- sharing your creativity and vulnerablity
Put this list out where you will see it often. Make it colourful, make it visually attractive, have fun with it; make it yours. Make this year yours!
Choose to be an encourager this year.
Choose kindness this year.
Choose to be light in this ever-increasingly dark time.
Choose to listen to your heart's calling.
Go out there into the world in your own quiet way (or loud way) and make a little difference each day.
with loving kindness,
Tess x