this is how you change your world: becoming mindful

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

You say you're interested in saving the world, but what are you doing about it? 
You say we need to save water, but how much have your recently saved? 
You say things are really terrible these days, there is so much hatred and violence, but what are you doing to make things better? 

Making things better starts at home. Making small changes in your environment, in the way you treat the people around you. You will know which changes to make by becoming mindful. Being mindful or becoming more mindful is easy and can be instant. It's about becoming more rooted in the moment, more in control and essentially just being more aware of just being. Mindfulness can change you life, because it changes each moment. You become more aware of the blessings in your life, your way of thinking starts to change, you become more and more grateful. Gratitude and mindfulness stem from each other, they are inter-linked. One will grow the other or strengthen the other.

This is how to be more mindful today. Here. Now.
Take yourself out of your negative thinking patterns by noticing them and then choosing to change them to a grateful thought. Over time this will soon become a habit and negative thinking will be a thing of the past. Negative thinking steals life energy and enthusiasm and joy. It takes you out of your present moment rich with possibilities and opportunities and either propels you forward or backward - into the past which you can do nothing about and must accept or into the future and growing worry there instead of planting seeds now, today, in this moment.

Seeds of joy and happiness and gratitude. This is how you save tomorrow. This is how you make your contribution to a better world. By being better and you can only be better, be happier when you begin to think better and by better I really mean more positively. Which is a choice. So much will happen when you decide to free your mind from the heaviness and the uneasiness of constant, ceaseless worry.  I know, things can be tough. Days can be long and lonely and grueling. But there is so much to be thankful for each day. Choose to focus on that.

Most happy people are happy because they are mindful and refuse to live in any place else than the present moment which we are blessed with again and again and again. Now and now. And now. Another moment. Become thankful for each new moment, every new day. Embrace the unknown and the many forms each day could take on. Where the next few steps could lead you.

Never go to bed without giving thanks. No matter how bad the day was, it was another day. So many are not granted another day each day. Gratitude starts in the morning, waking up and greeting the day joyfully and treating it as a precious gift. Your grateful attitude will be contagious. You will glow. Your thoughts will be lighter, easier to carry. Your life will begin to be a little clearer, even if you are lost. You will gain perspective. You are in control. Take control. 

Notice the plants in your garden - water them. Notice the pets in your house that love you more than you know. Notice their need for love and attention. Notice the people in your street. Your town. Your country. Notice the problems within the social constructs of today. Decide to be an agent for change, in your own way. Be mindful. Be grateful. Be the kindness you wish to see in the world.

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