The art of re-using Plastic Bags
Thursday, April 14, 2016
As you begin to grow in your journey towards being more aware of
your everyday actions, their consequences and what needs to change you will
slowly become quite disgusted with the amount of plastic that we use, day in and
day out. Or at least that is what happened with me.
Let's think about it. Just about everything you buy comes wrapped
in plastic that loses its value as soon as you open your purchase for use. The
bundle of plastic gets thrown out or stored somewhere in your house, often
stored in bunches in another form of plastic packaging... why do we do this?
This is a modern phenomenon. We need to stop using so much plastic. We need to
be less wasteful. Kinder to our environment. We are choking it with plastic.
Again the thing here is to become mindful about it. Let's think
about that word for a second. "MIND-FUL"... this essentially means
making a more conscious effort to be aware of everything, being more awake to
your life, being open to seeing the meaning and the implications of everyday,
simple things. Like the grossly excessive consumption of things that come
wrapped in plastic!
How can you complain about the litter on the side of the
road if you are a part of the majority of the population who buy new plastic
bags with every shopping purchase. Every single one. "Throwing" your
bags "away" does not make them magically disappear into nothing.
Sure, it frees up some space in your environment but they will be transported
along with all the other things that we throw out onto some piece of land
somewhere to sit. And sit. Changing this problem starts with you.
You can do something about this. Be
more mindful of the plastic in your day to day life and make a conscious effort to take
your own bags, start to reuse containers in your house. Simply buy less. You'll
save money and you won't have the problem of the plastic wrapping to deal with
(I know, it doesn't take the problem away - but it's a start!)
The art of re-using plastic bags is exactly that. It's an art. It
will take a while to become a habit but once it sticks, it will be your new
normal. Become disgusted with plastic bags. Talk about it to the people in your
life. Voice your concerns for our voiceless Earth which is becoming clogged
with plastic due to our modern ways of excessive consumerism. Buying more isn't
going to make you any happier! It's a momentary high of... Yay! Something new and
shiny! And then the plastic comes off and the money leaves your pocket and it
becomes less shiny and then it's on to the next thing you
Take your own bags to the shop. Think about what you really need.
Be irritated with all the plastic packaging. Do something about it. What you
buy speaks volumes about who you are. If we all boycotted the plastics,
companies and manufacturers would be forced to find wrapping and packaging
kinder for our Earth. Things would change. It starts with you, your own plastic
bag and being kinder to the Earth, one avoided item of plastic-covered purchase at a time.
What are your thoughts on this?