Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Catharsis: the process of releasing, and thereby providing relief from, strong or repressed emotions.

For me, bread-making is cathartic. I love the process. From water, flour, yeast, honey, oil, herbs into a lump of dough, into pieces of bread; food. This is sustenance. The making is sustenance. Making things sustains me. Into the making and moulding and kneading of the bread goes the daily stresses, or the stress of the month, or the week, or a year. It's calmness. It's the stillness. 

And then the sharing. And the giving. And the appreciation. For the flour, for the water, for the bread. For the people with which to break bread. The smell of the bread baking, the whole experience is sensory-rich and yet so soothing, not overwhelming. 

Baking a cake overwhelms me. Making bread feeds my soul. 

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