so, today I've been thinking... What makes a day beautiful? What makes a life beautiful? A person beautiful? And I believe the answer is in the simplest thing. Finding the beauty. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. You can choose to understand this as- things are beautiful because you look at them and you think, wow this thing is beautiful, this is a gorgeous day, it's in what you think about the thing you're seeing. Seeing in itself is something that is beautiful and mysterious. We take it for granted. We only realise that we have something good when its presence is no longer 100% guaranteed. I've got eyes that sometimes don't see too well. And that's scary. But it's also made me realise that seeing is really beautiful. And things are really beautiful. Just being able to look at things, even on a day that isn't absolutely fabulous is such a blessing.
Look at things a little more, think about the whole process. Watch your days transform. Every day is new and live. Watch the shadows dance, watch the trees sway, see the cars passing by, and the day fade to night. There is always something to see. The sky is constantly changing, constantly moving. Look up. Notice. Be thankful. That's what makes a day, a life, a person beautiful.
Be grateful today and take time to slow down and appreciate all the things in your life today. You never know what tomorrow may bring. Or what tomorrow may not bring. The future is not certain or guaranteed. Look at everything, see lots. See as much as you possibly can, while your eyes are still open.